Source code for montage_wrapper.commands

import subprocess
import shlex

from . import status
from .commands_extra import *
from .mpi import _get_mpi_command

[docs]def mAdd(images_table, template_header, out_image, img_dir=None, no_area=False, type=None, exact=False, debug_level=None, status_file=None, mpi=False, n_proc=8): ''' Coadd the reprojected images in an input list to form an output mosaic with FITS header keywords specified in a header file. Creates two output files, one containing the coadded pixel values, and the other containing coadded pixel area values. The pixel area values can be used as a weighting function if the output pixel values are themselves to be coadded with other projected images, and may also be used in validating the fidelity of the output pixel values. Parameters ---------- images_table : str ASCII table (generated by mImgtbl) containing metadata for all images to be coadded. template_header : str FITS header template to be used in generation of output FITS out_image : str Name of output FITS image. img_dir : str, optional Specifies path to directory containing reprojected images. If the img_dir option is not included, mAdd will look for the input images in the current working directory. no_area : bool, optional Co-addition ignores weighting by pixel areas and performs coaddition based only on pixel postions. Will not output an area image for the output image. type : str, optional Select type of averaging to be done on accumulated pixel values (either mean or median). To generate a map showing counts of how man_y times each pixel was overlapped by the input images, use count. exact : bool, optional Enables exact size mode. The output image will match the header template exactly, instead of shrinking the output to fit the data. debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-3). status_file : str, optional mAdd output and errors will be written to status_file instead of stdout. mpi : bool, optional If set to True, will use the MPI-enabled versions of the Montage executable. n_proc : int, optional If mpi is set to True, n_proc is the number of processes to run simultaneously (default is 8) ''' if mpi: command = _get_mpi_command(executable="mAddMPI", n_proc=n_proc) else: command = "mAdd" if img_dir: command += " -p %s" % str(img_dir) if no_area: command += " -n" if type: command += " -a %s" % str(type) if exact: command += " -e" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(template_header) command += " " + str(out_image) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mAdd",
[docs]def mAddExec(images_table, template_header, tile_dir, out_image, img_dir=None, no_area=False, type=None, exact=False, debug_level=None, status_file=None, mpi=False, n_proc=8): ''' Builds a series of outputs (which together make up a tiled output) through multiple executions of the mAdd modules. Parameters ---------- images_table : str ASCII table (generated by mImgtbl) containing metadata for all images to be coadded. template_header : str FITS header template to be used in generation of output FITS tile_dir : str Directory to contain output tile images and header templates out_image : str Prefix for output tile images img_dir : str, optional Specifies path to directory containing reprojected images. If the img_dir option is not included, mAdd will look for the input images in the current working directory. no_area : bool, optional Co-addition ignores weighting by pixel areas and performs coaddition based only on pixel postions. Will not output an area image for the output image. type : str, optional Select type of averaging to be done on accumulated pixel values (either mean or median). exact : bool, optional Enables exact size mode. The output image will match the header template exactly, instead of shrinking the output to fit the data. debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-3). status_file : str, optional mAdd output and errors will be written to status_file instead of stdout. mpi : bool, optional If set to True, will use the MPI-enabled versions of the Montage executable. n_proc : int, optional If mpi is set to True, n_proc is the number of processes to run simultaneously (default is 8) ''' if mpi: command = _get_mpi_command(executable="mAddExecMPI", n_proc=n_proc) else: command = "mAddExec" if img_dir: command += " -p %s" % str(img_dir) if no_area: command += " -n" if type: command += " -a %s" % str(type) if exact: command += " -e" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(template_header) command += " " + str(tile_dir) command += " " + str(out_image) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mAddExec",
[docs]def mArchiveExec(region_table, debug_level=None): ''' Given a table of archive images (generated by mArchiveList), calls mArchiveGet on each one in sequence to retrieve all the files into the current directory. Parameters ---------- region_table : str Table of archive images, generated by mArchiveList. debug_level : int, optional Prints out additional debugging information; in this version, the only supported level is 1. ''' command = "mArchiveExec" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) command += " " + str(region_table) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mArchiveExec",
[docs]def mArchiveGet(remote_ref, local_file, debug=False, raw=False): ''' Retrieve a single FITS image from a remote archive, using a basic URL GET but with a structured output. Parameters ---------- remote_ref : str URL of remote FITS file to retrieve (should be in quotes). See mArchiveList for more information. local_file : str Full path/filename of the retrieved file. debug : bool, optional Print additional debugging information. raw : bool, optional "Raw" mode - use a raw HTTP GET (no "HTTP/1.1" etc in the header); necessary for communication with some servers. ''' command = "mArchiveGet" if debug: command += " -d" if raw: command += " -r" command += ' "' + str(remote_ref) + '"' command += " " + str(local_file) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mArchiveGet",
[docs]def mArchiveList(survey, band, object_or_location, width, height, out_file): ''' Given a location on the sky, archive name, and size in degrees, contact the IRSA server to retrieve a list of archive images. The list contains enough information to support mArchiveGet downloads. Parameters ---------- survey : str Can be one of: 2MASS DSS SDSS DPOSS band : str Case insensitive - can be one of: (2MASS) j, h, k (SDSS) u, g, r, i, z (DPOSS) f, j, n (DSS) DSS1, DSS1R, DSS1B, DSS2, DSS2B, DSS2R, DSS2IR object_or_location : str Object name or coordinate string to be resolved by NED (if string includes spaces, must be surrounded by double quotes) width : float Width of area of interest, in degrees height : float Height of area of interest, in degrees out_file : str Path to output table ''' command = "mArchiveList" command += " " + str(survey) command += " " + str(band) command += ' "' + str(object_or_location) + '"' command += " " + str(width) command += " " + str(height) command += " " + str(out_file) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mArchiveList",
[docs]def mBackground(in_image, out_image, A, B, C, debug_level=None, no_area=False, status_file=None): ''' Remove a background plane from a FITS image. The background correction applied to the image is specified as Ax+By+C, where (x,y) is the pixel coordinate using the image center as the origin, and (A,B,C) are the background plane parameters specified as linear coefficients. To run in 'table' mode, see mBackground_tab. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS file out_image : str Output FITS file A, B, C : str Corrections (as given by mFitplane or mFitExec) debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level. no_area : bool, optional Indicates that no area images are present (assumes equal weighting for each data pixel) status_file : str, optional mBackground output and errors will be written to status_file instead of stdout. ''' command = "mBackground" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if no_area: command += " -n" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) command += " " + str(A) command += " " + str(B) command += " " + str(C) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mBackground",
[docs]def mBackground_tab(in_image, out_image, images_table, corrections_table, debug_level=None, no_area=False, status_file=None): ''' Remove a background plane from a FITS image. The background correction applied to the image is specified as Ax+By+C, where (x,y) is the pixel coordinate using the image center as the origin, and (A,B,C) are the background plane parameters specified as linear coefficients. This method runs mBackground_tab in 'table' mode. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS file out_image : str Output FITS file images_table : str Image metadata table to retrieve the filenames of images. corrections_table : str Table of corrections (from mFitplane and mFitExec) to apply to the corresponding image (from images_table). debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level. no_area : bool, optional Indicates that no area images are present (assumes equal weighting for each data pixel) status_file : str, optional mBackground_tab output and errors will be written to status_file instead of stdout. ''' command = "mBackground_tab" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if no_area: command += " -n" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(corrections_table) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mBackground_tab",
[docs]def mBestImage(images_table, ra, dec, debug_level=None): ''' Given a list of images and a position on the sky, determine which image covers the location "best" (i.e., the one where the position is farthest from the nearest edge). Parameters ---------- images_table : str Input table of image metadata (as generated by mImgtbl). ra : float RA of location of interest (in degrees) dec : float Declination of location of interest (in degrees) debug_level : int, optional Turn on debugging to the specified level (1 or 2) ''' command = "mBestImage" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(ra) command += " " + str(dec) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mBestImage",
[docs]def mBgExec(images_table, corrections_table, corr_dir, proj_dir=None, status_file=None, debug=False, no_area=False, mpi=False, n_proc=8): ''' Runs mBackground on all the images in a metadata table, using the corrections generated by mFitExec. Parameters ---------- images_table : str Image metadata table generated by mImgtbl. corrections_table : str Table of corrections generated by mFitExec corr_dir : str Directory where output images should be written proj_dir : str, optional Specifies the path to the directory containing the projected images. status_file : str, optional Writes output message to status_file instead of to stdout debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging no_area : bool, optional Indicates that no area images are present (assumes equal weighting for each pixel) mpi : bool, optional If set to True, will use the MPI-enabled versions of the Montage executable. n_proc : int, optional If mpi is set to True, n_proc is the number of processes to run simultaneously (default is 8) ''' if mpi: command = _get_mpi_command(executable="mBgExecMPI", n_proc=n_proc) else: command = "mBgExec" if proj_dir: command += " -p %s" % str(proj_dir) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) if debug: command += " -d" if no_area: command += " -n" command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(corrections_table) command += " " + str(corr_dir) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mBgExec",
[docs]def mBgModel(images_table, fits_table, corrections_table, n_iter=None, level_only=False, debug_level=None, ref_img=None, status_file=None): ''' mBgModel is a modelling/fitting program. It uses the image-to-image difference parameter table created by mFitExec to interactively determine a set of corrections to apply to each image in order to achieve a "best" global fit. Parameters ---------- images_table : str Image metadata table generated by mImgtbl. fits_table : str Plane fitting table generated by mFitExec. corrections_table : str Output table of background corrections n_iter : int, optional Number of iterations (without option, defaults to 5000). Can be between 1 and 32767. level_only : bool, optional Calculate level adjustments only (ie, don't attempt to match the slopes) debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-3). ref_img : str, optional Turns on additional debugging for the nth image in images_table. status_file : str, optional mBgModel output and errors are written to status_file instead of to stdout. ''' command = "mBgModel" if n_iter: command += " -i %s" % str(n_iter) if level_only: command += " -l" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if ref_img: command += " -r %s" % str(ref_img) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(fits_table) command += " " + str(corrections_table) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mBgModel",
[docs]def mCatMap(in_table, out_image, template_header, column=None, ref_mag=None, debug_level=None, size=None): ''' mCatMap is a point-source imaging program. The user defines a general output FITS image, and its pixels are populated from a table of point sources. The source fluxes (or just source counts) from the table are added into the appropriate pixel to create an output image. Parameters ---------- in_table : str Input table of source metadata. out_image : str Path of output FITS file. template_header : str ASCII header template defining output FITS file. column : str, optional Name of the table column that contains flux levels. If not specified, pixels will be populated with source counts rather than summed flux values. ref_mag : float, optional Set a reference magnitude to use when calculating fluxes. debug_level : int, optional Turn on debugging to the specified level (1-3) size : int, optional Set a spread size for point sources (default is to use no spread). Allowed values are 3 or 5. ''' command = "mCatMap" if column: command += " -c %s" % str(column) if ref_mag: command += " -m %s" % str(ref_mag) if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if size: command += " -w %s" % str(size) command += " " + str(in_table) command += " " + str(out_image) command += " " + str(template_header) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mCatMap",
[docs]def mConvert(in_image, out_image, debug_level=None, status_file=None, bitpix=None, min_val=None, max_val=None, blank_value=None): ''' mConvert changes the datatype of an image. When converting to floating point, no additional information is needed. However, when converting from higher precision (e.g. 64-bit floating point) to lower (e.g. 16-bit integer), scaling information is necessary. This can be given explicitly by the user or guessed by the program. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input image filename out_image : str Output image filename. debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-3). status_file : str, optional mBgModel output and errors are written to status_file instead of to stdout. bitpix : int, optional BITPIX value for the ouput FITS file (default is -64). Possible values are: 8 (character or unsigned binary integer), 16 (16-bit integer), 32 (32-bit integer), -32 (single precision floating point), -64 (double precision floating point). min_val : int, optional Pixel data value in the input image which should be treated as a minimum (value of 0) in the output image when converting from floating point to integer (default for BITPIX 8: 0; BITPIX 16: -32767; BITPIX 32: -2147483647 max_val : int, optional Pixel data value in the input image which should be treated as a maximum (value of 255 or 32768) in the output image when converting from floating point to integer (Default for BITPIX 8: 255; BITPIX 16: 32768; BITPIX 32: 2147483648) blank_value : int, optional If converting down to an integer scale: value to be used in the output image to represent blank pixels (NaN) from the input image. Default value is min_val. ''' command = "mConvert" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) if bitpix: command += " -b %s" % str(bitpix) if min_val: command += " -min %s" % str(min_val) if max_val: command += " -max %s" % str(max_val) if blank_value: command += " -blank %s" % str(blank_value) command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mConvert",
[docs]def mDiff(in_image_1, in_image_2, out_image, template_header, debug_level=None, no_area=False, status_file=None): ''' mDiff calculates a simple difference between a single pair of overlapping images. This is meant for use on reprojected images where the pixels already line up exactly. mDiff analyzes an image metadata table to determine a list of overlapping images. Each image is compared with every other image to determine all overlapping image pairs. A pair of images are deemed to overlap if any pixel around the perimeter of one image falls within the boundary of the other image. Parameters ---------- in_image_1 : str First input FITS file (Also needs area image in1_area_image, or use the no_area option) in_image_2 : str Second input FITS file.(Also needs area image in2_area_image, or use the no_area option) out_image : str Difference FITS image to be generated. template_header : str FITS header template used to generate output image. debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-4). no_area : bool, optional No-area-images option. Creates difference image without requiring pixel area FITS image status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout ''' command = "mDiff" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if no_area: command += " -n" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(in_image_1) command += " " + str(in_image_2) command += " " + str(out_image) command += " " + str(template_header) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mDiff",
[docs]def mDiffExec(diffs_table, template_header, diff_dir, proj_dir=None, debug=False, no_area=False, status_file=None, mpi=False, n_proc=8): ''' Runs mDiff on all the pairs identified by mOverlaps. Parameters ---------- diffs_table : str Table generated by mOverlaps for the images in proj_dir. template_header : str FITS header template for output files. diff_dir : str Path to output files. proj_dir : str, optional Specifies path to the directory containing reprojected input images. debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging. no_area : bool, optional No-area-images option. Creates difference image without requiring _area FITS images status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout mpi : bool, optional If set to True, will use the MPI-enabled versions of the Montage executable. n_proc : int, optional If mpi is set to True, n_proc is the number of processes to run simultaneously (default is 8) ''' if mpi: command = _get_mpi_command(executable="mDiffExecMPI", n_proc=n_proc) else: command = "mDiffExec" if proj_dir: command += " -p %s" % str(proj_dir) if debug: command += " -d" if no_area: command += " -n" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(diffs_table) command += " " + str(template_header) command += " " + str(diff_dir) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mDiffExec",
[docs]def mDiffFitExec(diffs_table, fits_table, diff_dir, debug=False, status_file=None): ''' Using the table of overlaps found by mOverlaps, mDiffFitExec runs both mDiff and mFitplane for each record. The fitting parameters are written to a file to be used by mBgModel. Parameters ---------- diffs_table : str Overlap table generated by mOverlaps, the last column of which contains the filenames of the difference images generated by mDiffExec. fits_table : str Output table of difference paramaters. diff_dir : str Directory containing difference images. debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging status_file : str, optional Writes output message to status_file instead of to stdout ''' command = "mDiffFitExec" if debug: command += " -d" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(diffs_table) command += " " + str(fits_table) command += " " + str(diff_dir) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mDiffFitExec",
[docs]def mExec(survey, band, raw_dir=None, n_tile_x=None, n_tile_y=None, level_only=False, keep=False, corners=False, output_image=None, debug_level=None, region_header=None, header=None, workspace_dir=None): ''' The mExec module is a mosaicking executive for 2MASS, SDSS, and DSS data. It includes remote data and metadata access. Alternatively, users can mosaic a set of data already on disk. Parameters ---------- survey, band : str If not mosaicking user-provided data (raw_dir option), must select one of the following combinations of survey and band: 2MASS [j, h, k] SDSS [u, g, r, i, z] DSS [DSS1, DSS1R, DSS1B, DSS2, DSS2B, DSS2R, DSS2IR] raw_dir : str, optional Provide path to directory containing original ("raw") data which will be reprojected and mosaicked. Not necessary if using mExec to retrieve remote data from the 2MASS, SDSS or DSS surveys. n_tile_x : int, optional Number of output tiles to create along the X-axis - default is 1 for a single mosaicked image. n_tile_y : int, optional Number of output tiles to create along the Y-axis - default is equal to n_tile_x. level_only : bool, optional "Level-only" option (see mBgModel) keep : bool, optional If retrieving data from a remote archive, the "keep" option will leave the original data products on disk after generating a mosaic. Without this option, raw data will be deleted (unless it was provided by the user with the "-r" option). corners : bool, optional Remove all temporary files and intermediate data products. Note: if not using the '-o' option to specify an output file, this will also remove mosaic_image. output_image : str, optional Provide your own filename for the output mosaic. Default filename is "mosaic_image." debug_level : int, optional Print out additional debugging information (levels 1-4) region_header : str, optional Path to header template used to create mosaic. header : str, optional Provide header template as text input rather than point to a file; see sample shell script that makes use of this option. workspace_dir : str, optional Directory where intermediate files will be created. If no workspace is given, a unique local subdirectory will be created (e.g.; ./MOSAIC_AAAaa17v) ''' command = "mExec" if raw_dir: command += " -r %s" % str(raw_dir) if n_tile_x: command += " -n %s" % str(n_tile_x) if n_tile_y: command += " -m %s" % str(n_tile_y) if level_only: command += " -l" if keep: command += " -k" if corners: command += " -c" if output_image: command += " -o %s" % str(output_image) if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if region_header: command += " -f %s" % str(region_header) if header: command += " -h %s" % str(header) command += " " + str(survey) command += " " + str(band) if workspace_dir: command += " %s" % str(workspace_dir) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mExec",
[docs]def mFitExec(diffs_table, fits_table, diff_dir, debug=False, status_file=None, mpi=False, n_proc=8): ''' Runs mFitplane on all the difference images identified by mOverlaps and generated by mDiff or mDiffExec. mFitExec creates a table of image-to- image difference parameters. Parameters ---------- diffs_table : str Overlap table generated by mOverlaps, the last column of which contains the filenames of the difference images generated by mDiffExec. fits_table : str Output table of difference paramaters. diff_dir : str Directory containing difference images. debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging status_file : str, optional Writes output message to status_file instead of to stdout mpi : bool, optional If set to True, will use the MPI-enabled versions of the Montage executable. n_proc : int, optional If mpi is set to True, n_proc is the number of processes to run simultaneously (default is 8) ''' if mpi: command = _get_mpi_command(executable="mFitExecMPI", n_proc=n_proc) else: command = "mFitExec" if debug: command += " -d" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(diffs_table) command += " " + str(fits_table) command += " " + str(diff_dir) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mFitExec",
[docs]def mFitplane(in_image, border=None, debug_level=None, status_file=None): ''' Uses least squares to fit a plane (excluding outlier pixels) to an image. It is used on the difference images generated using mDiff or mDiffExec. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS file is a difference file between two other FITS files, as can be generated using mDiff. border : int, optional Number of border pixels to ignore at edges of image. debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-3). status_file : str, optional Output and errors are written to status_file instead of stdout. ''' command = "mFitplane" if border: command += " -b %s" % str(border) if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(in_image) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mFitplane",
[docs]def mFixNan(in_image, out_image, debug_level=None, nan_value=None, min_blank=None, max_blank=None): ''' Converts NaNs found in the image to some other value (given by the user), or converts a range of supplied values into NaNs. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS image file out_image : str Path of output FITS file. To run in "count" mode without creating an output file, use a dash ("-") for this argument. debug_level : int, optional Turn on debugging to the specified level (1-3) nan_value : float, optional Value to use in place of an_y NaNs min_blank, max_blank : str, optional If the nan_value option is not used, mFixNaN will replace all pixel values between min_blank and max_blank with NaN. ''' command = "mFixNan" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if nan_value: command += " -v %s" % str(nan_value) command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) if min_blank and max_blank: command += " %s" % str(min_blank) command += " %s" % str(max_blank) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mFixNan",
[docs]def mFlattenExec(images_table, flat_dir, img_dir=None, debug=False, no_area=False, status_file=None): ''' Runs both mFitPlane and mBackground on a set of images. Parameters ---------- images_table : str Metadata table (generated by mImgtbl) describing images to be flattened. flat_dir : str Path to directory where output files should be created. img_dir : str, optional Specifies path to directory containing images to be flattened. debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging. no_area : bool, optional No-area-images option, indicating that mFlattenExec should not require area images for all the input FITS images. status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout ''' command = "mFlattenExec" if img_dir: command += " -p %s" % str(img_dir) if debug: command += " -d" if no_area: command += " -n" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(flat_dir) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mFlattenExec",
[docs]def mGetHdr(in_image, img_header, debug=False, hdu=None, status_file=None): ''' Reads in the header from a FITS image and prints it out to a text file. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Path to FITS image from which to retrieve the header. img_header : str Path to text file where FITS header should be written. debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging. hdu : int, optional Retrieve the header from the Fits extention given by hdu. "0" indicates the primary FITS extension, and is the default used by mGetHdr. status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout ''' command = "mGetHdr" if debug: command += " -d" if hdu: command += " -h %s" % str(hdu) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(img_header) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mGetHdr",
[docs]def mHdr(object_or_location, width, out_file, system=None, equinox=None, height=None, pix_size=None, rotation=None): ''' Connects to the IRSA service HdrTemplate to create a header template based on a location, size, resolution and rotation. Parameters ---------- object_or_location : str Object string or coordinate location width : float Width (x-axis) of area out_file : str Path to output header template system : str, optional Specify a coordinate system. Can be one of: "equatorial" or "eq" (default), "ecliptic" or "ec" "galactic", "ga", "supergalactic" or "sgal" equinox : str, optional Specify an equinox. Default is 2000.0 height : float, optional Height (y-axis) of area in degrees. Default is equal to width pix_size : float, optional Size of a pixel (in arcsec); default is 1 rotation : float, optional Rotation of image; default is 0 ''' command = "mHdr" if system: command += " -s %s" % str(system) if equinox: command += " -e %s" % str(equinox) if height: command += " -h %s" % str(height) if pix_size: command += " -p %s" % str(pix_size) if rotation: command += " -r %s" % str(rotation) command += ' "' + str(object_or_location) + '"' command += " " + str(width) command += " " + str(out_file) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mHdr",
[docs]def mHdrCheck(in_image, status_file=None): ''' mHdrCheck reads in the header from a FITS image (or an ASCII header template file) and checks to see if any header lines are invalid. If it finds one, it will print out a message stating which keyword is invalid and exit before checking the rest of the header. It will not report on multiple invalid values. If all value are correct, mHdrCheck will print out a "Valid FITS/WCS" message. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Path of FITS file to be validated. status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout ''' command = "mHdrCheck" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(in_image) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mHdrCheck",
[docs]def mHdrtbl(directory, images_table, recursive=False, corners=False, debug=False, output_invalid=False, status_file=None, img_list=None): ''' mHdrtbl operates in a fashion similar to mImgtbl, but is used on a set of header template files instead of FITS images. Parameters ---------- directory : str Path to directory containing set of input header templates. images_table : str Path of output metadata table. recursive : bool, optional mHdrtbl can also be used as a standalone program to gather image metadata for other purposes (to populate a database, as a basis for spatial coverage searches, etc.) In this case it is often desirable to collect information on all the files in a directory tree recursively. The recursive option instructs mHdrtbl to search the given directory and all its subdirectories recursively. corners : bool, optional The corners option in mHdrtbl will cause eight extra columns to be added to the output metadata table containing the RA, Dec coordinates (ra1, dec1, ... ra4, dec4) of the image corners. The output is always Equatorial J2000, even if the input is some other system. This has been done to make the metadata uniform so that it can easily be used for coverage searches, etc. The corners option is not needed for normal Montage processing. debug : bool, optional Turn on debugging output_invalid : bool, optional When this option is set, mHdrtbl will explicitly output each header file it finds that does not appear to be valid, along with information on the error. status_file : str, optional Output and errors are written to status_file instead of being written to stdout. img_list : str, optional mHdrtbl will only process files with names specified in table img_list, ignoring an_y other files in the directory. ''' command = "mHdrtbl" if recursive: command += " -r" if corners: command += " -c" if debug: command += " -d" if output_invalid: command += " -b" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) if img_list: command += " -t %s" % str(img_list) command += " " + str(directory) command += " " + str(images_table) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mHdrtbl",
[docs]def mImgtbl(directory, images_table, recursive=False, corners=False, include_area=False, debug=False, output_invalid=False, status_file=None, fieldlist=None, img_list=None): ''' mImgtbl extracts the FITS header geometry information from a set of files and creates an ASCII image metadata table which is used by several of the other programs. It only collects data from headers that comply with the FITS standard, but reports a count of images that fail that check. Parameters ---------- directory : str Path to directory containing set of input FITS files. images_table : str Path of output metadata table. recursive : bool, optional mImgtbl can also be used as a standalone program to gather image metadata for other purposes (to populate a database, as a basis for spatial coverage searches, etc.) In this case it is often desirable to collect information on all the files in a directory tree recursively. The recursive option instructs mImgtbl to search the given directory and all its subdirectories recursively. corners : bool, optional The corners option in mImgtbl will cause eight extra columns to be added to the output metadata table containing the RA, Dec coordinates (ra1, dec1, ... ra4, dec4) of the image corners. The output is always Equatorial J2000, even if the input is some other system. Though not required for the core processing modules, we recommend using this option, as some of the utilities may require corner locations to function properly. include_area : bool, optional By default, mImgtbl ignores FITS files with names ending in _area (i.e. name_area_image), assuming them to be Montage-created area images. If you want to generate information on these images, or if you have images with _area in the title other than those generated by Montage, you should turn on this option to force mImgtbl to look at all images in the directory. debug : bool, optional Turn on debugging output_invalid : bool, optional When this option is set, mImgtbl will explicitly output each FITS file it finds that does not appear to be valid, along with information on the error. status_file : str, optional Output and errors are written to status_file instead of being written to stdout. fieldlist : str, optional Used to specify a fieldlist, which will list additional keywords to be read from the FITS headers and included in the output table. Fieldlists should specify the keyword name, type (int,char,double), and size. img_list : str, optional mImgtbl will only process files with names specified in table img_list, ignoring an_y other files in the directory. ''' command = "mImgtbl" if recursive: command += " -r" if corners: command += " -c" if include_area: command += " -a" if debug: command += " -d" if output_invalid: command += " -b" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) if fieldlist: command += " -f %s" % str(fieldlist) if img_list: command += " -t %s" % str(img_list) command += " " + str(directory) command += " " + str(images_table) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mImgtbl",
[docs]def mMakeHdr(images_table, template_header, debug_level=None, status_file=None, cdelt=None, north_aligned=False, system=None, equinox=None): ''' From a list of images to be mosaicked together, mMakeHdr generates the FITS header that best describes the output image. Parameters ---------- images_table : str Metadata table (generated by mImgtbl) describing the images to be mosaicked. template_header : str Path to header template to be generated. debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-3). status_file : str, optional Output and errors are written to status_file instead of to stdout. cdelt : float, optional Specify a pixel scale for the header, if different from the input images north_aligned : bool, optional "North-aligned" option. By default, the FITS header generated represents the best fit to the images, often resulting in a slight rotation. If you want north to be straight up in your final mosaic, you should use this option. system : str, optional Specifies the system for the header (default is Equatorial). Possible values are: EQUJ EQUB ECLJ ECLB GAL SGAL equinox : str, optional If a coordinate system is specified, the equinox can also be given in the form YYYY. Default is J2000. ''' command = "mMakeHdr" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) if cdelt: command += " -p %s" % str(cdelt) if north_aligned: command += " -n" command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(template_header) if system: command += " %s" % str(system) if equinox: command += " %s" % str(equinox) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mMakeHdr",
[docs]def mOverlaps(images_table, diffs_table, exact=False, debug_level=None, status_file=None): ''' Analyze an image metadata table to determine a list of overlapping images. Each image is compared with every other image to determine all overlapping image pairs. A pair of images are deemed to overlap if any pixel around the perimeter of one image falls within the boundary of the other image. Parameters ---------- images_table : str Table of image metadata generated by mImgtbl. diffs_table : str Path of output table to be generated containing overlap information. exact : bool, optional Enables 'exact' overlaps mode, as opposed to the default approximate algorithm. The default mode uses great-circle connecting lines between image corners to determine which images overlap. Exact mode will instead check the edge pixels of every image to determine which pixels are inside the others. Although the default mode will occasionally report some incorrect overlaps, this is not a concern since mDiff will detect and ignore these false positive results when processing the table. debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (1 or 2) status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout ''' command = "mOverlaps" if exact: command += " -e" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(diffs_table) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mOverlaps",
[docs]def mPix2Coord(template_header, ixpix, jypix, debug=False): ''' Takes an image FITS header template and a pixel (x,y) coordinate, and outputs the corresponding sky location. Parameters ---------- template_header : str ASCII header template describing the image (either a FITS image, or a JPEG file created from the FITS file) ixpix : int X coordinate (pixel location) on image jypix : int Y coordinate (pixel location) on image debug : bool, optional Print out additional debugging information ''' command = "mPix2Coord" if debug: command += " -d" command += " " + str(template_header) command += " " + str(ixpix) command += " " + str(jypix) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mPix2Coord",
[docs]def mProject(in_image, out_image, template_header, factor=None, debug_level=None, status_file=None, hdu=None, scale=None, weight_file=None, threshold=None, whole=False): ''' mProject reprojects a single image to the scale defined in a FITS header template file (read more about header templates here). The program produces a pair of images: the reprojected image and an "area" image consisting of the fraction input pixel sky area that went into each output pixel. The "drizzle" algorithm is implemented. The algorithm proceeds by mapping pixel corners (as adjusted by drizzle, if called) from the input pixel space to the output pixel space, calculating overlap area with each output pixel, and accumulating an appropriate fraction of the input flux into the output image pixels. In addition, the appropriate fraction of the input pixel area is accumulated into the area image pixels. Projection of points from input pixel space to output pixel space is calculated in two steps: first map from input pixel space to sky coordinates; second map from sky coordinates to output pixel space. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS file to be reprojected. out_image : str Path of output FITS file to be created. template_header : str FITS header template to be used in generation of output image factor : float, optional Processing is done utilizing the drizzle algorithm. factor is a floating point number; recommended drizzle factors are from 0.5 to 1. debug_level : int, optional Causes additional debugging information to be printed to stdout. Valid levels are 1-5 (for higher debugging levels, it is recommended to redirect the output to a file). status_file : str, optional Output and errors are written to status_file instead of being written to stdout. hdu : int, optional Use the specified FITS extension (default is to use the first HDU with image data) scale : float, optional Apply a correction factor of scale to each pixel weight_file : str, optional Path to a weight map to be used when reading values from the input image. threshold : float, optional Pixels with weights below threshold will be treated as blank. whole : bool, optional Makes the output region (originally defined in the header template) big enough to include all of the input images ''' command = "mProject" if factor: command += " -z %s" % str(factor) if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) if hdu: command += " -h %s" % str(hdu) if scale: command += " -x %s" % str(scale) if weight_file: command += " -w %s" % str(weight_file) if threshold: command += " -t %s" % str(threshold) if whole: command += " -X" command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) command += " " + str(template_header) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mProject",
[docs]def mProjectPP(in_image, out_image, template_header, factor=None, debug_level=None, border=None, status_file=None, alternate_header=None, hdu=None, scale=None, weight_file=None, threshold=None, whole=False): ''' mProjectPP reprojects a single image to the scale defined in an alternate FITS header template generated (usually) by mTANhdr. The program produces a pair of images: the reprojected image and an "area" image consisting of the fraction input pixel sky area that went into each output pixel. This area image goes through all the subsequent processing that the reprojected image does, allowing it to be properly coadded at the end. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS file to be reprojected. out_image : str Path to output FITS file to be created. template_header : str FITS header template to be used in generation of output FITS factor : float, optional Processing is done utilizing the drizzle algorithm. factor is a floating point number; recommended drizzle factors are from 0.5 to 1. debug_level : int, optional Causes additional debugging information to be printed to stdout. Valid levels are 1-5; for levels greater than 1, it's recommended to redirect the output into a text file. border : int, optional Ignores border pixels around the image edge when performing calculations. status_file : str, optional Output and errors are written to status_file instead of being written to stdout. alternate_header : str, optional Specifies an alternate FITS header for use in mProjectPP calculations, allows substitution of psuedo-TAN headers created by mTANHdr. hdu : int, optional Specify the FITS extension to re-project if the FITS image is multi- extension. scale : float, optional Multiple the pixel values by scale when reprojecting. For instance, each 2MASS image has a different scale factor (very near 1.0) to correct for varying magnitude-zero points. weight_file : str, optional Path to a weight map to be used when reading values from the input image. threshold : float, optional If using a weight image; only use those pixels where the weight value is above threshold. whole : bool, optional Reproject the whole image even if part of it is outside the region of interest (don't crop while re-projecting). ''' command = "mProjectPP" if factor: command += " -z %s" % str(factor) if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if border: command += " -b %s" % str(border) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) if alternate_header: command += " -[i|o] %s" % str(alternate_header) if hdu: command += " -h %s" % str(hdu) if scale: command += " -x %s" % str(scale) if weight_file: command += " -w %s" % str(weight_file) if threshold: command += " -t %s" % str(threshold) if whole: command += " -X" command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) command += " " + str(template_header) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mProjectPP",
[docs]def mProjExec(images_table, template_header, proj_dir, stats_table, raw_dir=None, debug=False, exact=False, whole=False, border=None, restart_rec=None, status_file=None, scale_column=None, mpi=False, n_proc=8): ''' An executive which runs mProject (or, if possible for the input/output projections, mProjectPP) for each image in an image metadata table. Parameters ---------- images_table : str ASCII table (generated by mImgtbl) containing metadata for all images to be reprojected. template_header : str FITS header template to be used in generation of output FITS. proj_dir : str Directory in which to create reprojected images. stats_table : str Name of table for output statistics (time of each reprojection, or error messages). raw_dir : str, optional Specifies the path to the directory containing the images to be reprojected. If the -p option is not included, mProjExec looks for the images in the current working directory. debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging exact : bool, optional Flag indicating output image should exactly match the FITS header template, and not crop off blank pixels whole : bool, optional Force reprojection of whole images, even if they exceed the area of the FITS header template border : int, optional Ignore border width of pixels around edge of images restart_rec : str, optional Allows restart at record number restart_rec, if mProjExec exits upon an error status_file : str, optional Output and errors are written to status_file instead of being written to stdout. scale_column : str, optional Turn on flux rescaling (e.g. magnitude zero point correction): scale_column is the name of a column in images_table which contains scale information. mpi : bool, optional If set to True, will use the MPI-enabled versions of the Montage executable. n_proc : int, optional If mpi is set to True, n_proc is the number of processes to run simultaneously (default is 8) ''' if mpi: command = _get_mpi_command(executable="mProjExecMPI", n_proc=n_proc) else: command = "mProjExec" if raw_dir: command += " -p %s" % str(raw_dir) if debug: command += " -d" if exact: command += " -e" if whole: command += " -X" if border: command += " -b %s" % str(border) if restart_rec: command += " -r %s" % str(restart_rec) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) if scale_column: command += " -x %s" % str(scale_column) command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(template_header) command += " " + str(proj_dir) command += " " + str(stats_table) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mProjExec",
[docs]def mPutHdr(in_image, out_image, template_header, debug=False, status_file=None, hdu=None): ''' Replaces the header of the input file with one supplied by the user. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS file. out_image : str Path to output FITS file (with new header) template_header : str ASCII header template to write into out_image. debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (this version only supports level "1"). status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout hdu : int, optional Write to the specified FITS extnension (HDU). ''' command = "mPutHdr" if debug: command += " -d" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) if hdu: command += " -h %s" % str(hdu) command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) command += " " + str(template_header) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mPutHdr",
[docs]def mRotate(in_image, out_image, debug_level=None, status_file=None, rotation_angle=None, ra=None, dec=None, xsize=None, ysize=None): ''' Rotates a FITS image by an arbitrary angle. This module is meant for quick-look only; it is not flux conserving. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS image. out_image : str Path to output (rotated) FITS image. debug_level : int, optional Print out additional debugging information (level can be 1-3) status_file : str, optional Output and errors are written to status_file instead of stdout. rotation_angle : float, optional Provide an angle (in degrees) to rotate the image. ra, dec, xsize : str, optional Center location and width (in degrees) of output image - optional. By default, entire input image area will be included in output image. ysize : float, optional Height (in degrees) of output image, if a new center location and width are provided. Only used if ra, dec, and xsize are specified. Defaults to xsize. ''' command = "mRotate" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) if rotation_angle: command += " -r %s" % str(rotation_angle) command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) if ra and dec and xsize: command += " %s" % str(ra) command += " %s" % str(dec) command += " %s" % str(xsize) if ysize: command += " %s" % str(ysize) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mRotate",
[docs]def mShrink(in_image, out_image, factor, fixed_size=False, debug_level=None, status_file=None): ''' A utility for reducing the size of a FITS file, by averaging blocks of pixels. Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS file out_image : str Path to output FITS file. factor : float Size of blocks, in pixels, to average. File size will be reduced by 1/factor squared. If the fixed_size option is used, factor is the desired width of the output image. fixed_size : bool, optional Fixed-size option - specify output size of image, instead of the size of blocks of pixels to be averaged debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-4). status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout ''' command = "mShrink" if fixed_size: command += " -f" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) command += " " + str(factor) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mShrink",
[docs]def mSubimage(in_image, out_image, ra, dec, xsize, debug=False, all_pixels=False, hdu=None, status_file=None, ysize=None): ''' Creates a subimage (or "cutout") of a FITS file. To use mSubimage in 'pixel' mode, see mSubimage_pix Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS file. out_image : str Path to output FITS file. ra : float RA of center of output image. dec : float Declination of center of output image. xsize : float Width of output image in degrees. debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging. all_pixels : bool, optional All pixels - Force retrieval of whole image (useful to extract an entire HDU) hdu : int, optional Operate on the specified FITS header extension (HDU) status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout ysize : float, optional Height of output image in degrees (default is equal to xsize. ''' command = "mSubimage" if debug: command += " -d" if all_pixels: command += " -a" if hdu: command += " -h %s" % str(hdu) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) command += " " + str(ra) command += " " + str(dec) command += " " + str(xsize) if ysize: command += " %s" % str(ysize) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mSubimage",
[docs]def mSubimage_pix(in_image, out_image, xstartpix, ystartpix, xpixsize, debug=False, hdu=None, status_file=None, ypixsize=None): ''' Creates a subimage (or "cutout") of a FITS file ('pixel' mode) Parameters ---------- in_image : str Input FITS file. out_image : str Path to output FITS file. xstartpix : int Pixel along the x-axis where the cutout image will begin ystartpix : int Pixel along the y-axis where the cutout image will begin xpixsize : int Width of output image in pixels debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging. hdu : int, optional Operate on the specified FITS header extension (HDU) status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout ypixsize : int, optional Height of output image in pixels (default is equal to xpix_size ''' command = "mSubimage -p" if debug: command += " -d" if hdu: command += " -h %s" % str(hdu) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(in_image) command += " " + str(out_image) command += " " + str(xstartpix) command += " " + str(ystartpix) command += " " + str(xpixsize) if ypixsize: command += " %s" % str(ypixsize) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mSubimage_pix",
[docs]def mSubset(images_table, template_header, subset_table, debug_level=None, fast_mode=False, status_file=None): ''' Generates a table of images that is a subset of the input table, containing only those images that cover the area defined by a given FITS header. Parameters ---------- images_table : str ASCII table (generated by mImgtbl) containing metadata for image collection. template_header : str FITS header template defining the area of interest. subset_table : str Path to output table, which will contain only those FITS images covering the area defined by template_header. debug_level : int, optional Turns on debugging to the specified level (1-3). fast_mode : bool, optional Fast mode - input file must include corners (corners option in mImgtbl) to utilize this mode. status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout ''' command = "mSubset" if debug_level: command += " -d %s" % str(debug_level) if fast_mode: command += " -f" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(images_table) command += " " + str(template_header) command += " " + str(subset_table) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mSubset",
[docs]def mTANHdr(orig_header, new_header, debug=False, order=None, max_iter=None, tolerance=None, status_file=None): ''' Analyzes a template file and determines if there would be an adequate equivalent distorted TAN projection, within a specified tolerance, and outputs the alternate header. This header can be used in conjunction with mProjectPP to produce a TAN plane image. This process is considerably faster than projecting with the general purpose tool mProject. Parameters ---------- orig_header : str Input FITS header new_header : str Path to output header to be created debug : bool, optional Print additional debugging information to stdout. order : str, optional Order of output header polynomial focal plane distortions (default = 4) max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iteration attempts to produce header (default = 50) tolerance : float, optional Distortion tolerance value for acceptable output (default = 0.01) status_file : str, optional Output and errors are written to status_file instead of stdout. ''' command = "mTANHdr" if debug: command += " -d" if order: command += " -o %s" % str(order) if max_iter: command += " -i %s" % str(max_iter) if tolerance: command += " -t %s" % str(tolerance) if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(orig_header) command += " " + str(new_header) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mTANHdr",
[docs]def mTblSort(in_table, column_name, out_table, debug=False): ''' Sorts a table on numeric values. Parameters ---------- in_table : str Path to input table column_name : str Name of column to sort on (column must contain numeric values) out_table : str Path to output table debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging ''' command = "mTblSort" if debug: command += " -d" command += " " + str(in_table) command += " " + str(column_name) command += " " + str(out_table) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mTblSort",
[docs]def mTileHdr(orig_header, new_header, n_x, n_y, ix, iy, debug=False, status_file=None, xpad=None, ypad=None): ''' Takes a header template file and creates another which represents one of a regular set of tiles covering the original. The user specifies the tile gridding and which tile is desired. Parameters ---------- orig_header : str ASCII header template from which to derive tiled headers new_header : str Path to output header n_x : int Number of tiles in the x-direction n_y : int Number of tiles in the y-direction ix : int Integer identifying the x location of the output tile on the grid (counting from 0) iy : int Integer identifying the y location of the output tile on the grid (counting from 0) debug : bool, optional Turns on debugging. status_file : str, optional Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout xpad : int, optional Number of pixels to overlap tiles in the x direction (default is 0) ypad : int, optional Number of pixels to overlap tiles in the y direction (default is 0). Only used if xpad is present. ''' command = "mTileHdr" if debug: command += " -d" if status_file: command += " -s %s" % str(status_file) command += " " + str(orig_header) command += " " + str(new_header) command += " " + str(n_x) command += " " + str(n_y) command += " " + str(ix) command += " " + str(iy) if xpad: command += " %s" % str(xpad) if ypad: command += " %s" % str(ypad) p = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stderr = if stderr: raise Exception(stderr) return status.parse_struct("mTileHdr",

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