
montage_wrapper.commands.mTileHdr(orig_header, new_header, n_x, n_y, ix, iy, debug=False, status_file=None, xpad=None, ypad=None)[source] [edit on github]

Takes a header template file and creates another which represents one of a regular set of tiles covering the original. The user specifies the tile gridding and which tile is desired.


orig_header : str

ASCII header template from which to derive tiled headers

new_header : str

Path to output header

n_x : int

Number of tiles in the x-direction

n_y : int

Number of tiles in the y-direction

ix : int

Integer identifying the x location of the output tile on the grid (counting from 0)

iy : int

Integer identifying the y location of the output tile on the grid (counting from 0)

debug : bool, optional

Turns on debugging.

status_file : str, optional

Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout

xpad : int, optional

Number of pixels to overlap tiles in the x direction (default is 0)

ypad : int, optional

Number of pixels to overlap tiles in the y direction (default is 0). Only used if xpad is present.