
montage_wrapper.commands.mSubimage_pix(in_image, out_image, xstartpix, ystartpix, xpixsize, debug=False, hdu=None, status_file=None, ypixsize=None)[source] [edit on github]

Creates a subimage (or “cutout”) of a FITS file (‘pixel’ mode)


in_image : str

Input FITS file.

out_image : str

Path to output FITS file.

xstartpix : int

Pixel along the x-axis where the cutout image will begin

ystartpix : int

Pixel along the y-axis where the cutout image will begin

xpixsize : int

Width of output image in pixels

debug : bool, optional

Turns on debugging.

hdu : int, optional

Operate on the specified FITS header extension (HDU)

status_file : str, optional

Output and errors are sent to status_file instead of to stdout

ypixsize : int, optional

Height of output image in pixels (default is equal to xpix_size