
montage_wrapper.commands.mBgExec(images_table, corrections_table, corr_dir, proj_dir=None, status_file=None, debug=False, no_area=False, mpi=False, n_proc=8)[source] [edit on github]

Runs mBackground on all the images in a metadata table, using the corrections generated by mFitExec.


images_table : str

Image metadata table generated by mImgtbl.

corrections_table : str

Table of corrections generated by mFitExec

corr_dir : str

Directory where output images should be written

proj_dir : str, optional

Specifies the path to the directory containing the projected images.

status_file : str, optional

Writes output message to status_file instead of to stdout

debug : bool, optional

Turns on debugging

no_area : bool, optional

Indicates that no area images are present (assumes equal weighting for each pixel)

mpi : bool, optional

If set to True, will use the MPI-enabled versions of the Montage executable.

n_proc : int, optional

If mpi is set to True, n_proc is the number of processes to run simultaneously (default is 8)