******************************************** Python Montage wrapper (``montage_wrapper``) ******************************************** .. _numpy: http://www.numoy.org Introduction ============ This Astropy-affiliated package provides a python wrapper to the Montage Astronomical Image Mosaic Engine, including both functions to access individual Montage commands, and high-level functions to facilitate mosaicking and re-projecting. Download ======== The latest stable release can be downloaded from `here `_. Installation ============ This package is a wrapper, not a replacement, for the IPAC Montage mosaicking software. Therefore, Montage will need to be downloaded from `http://montage.ipac.caltech.edu `_. Once you have downloaded the latest release on Montage from that website, the installation should look like:: tar xvzf Montage_v3.3.tar.gz cd Montage_v3.3 make then move the ``Montage_v3.3`` directory to wherever you would like to keep the installation, and add ``/Montage_v3.3/bin`` to your ``$PATH``, where ```` is the directory inside which you put ``Montage_v3.3`` (Montage does not support ``make install``). To check that Montage is correctly installed, you can type:: mAdd If you see something like:: [struct stat="ERROR", msg="Usage: mAdd [-p imgdir] [-n(o-areas)] [-a mean|median|count] [-e(xact-size)] [-d level] [-s statusfile] images.tbl template.hdr out.fits"] then the installation succeeded. Otherwise, if you see:: mAdd: command not found then you will need to make sure that the ``Montage_v3.3/bin`` contains commands like ``mAdd``, and that the directory is correctly in your ``$PATH``. Once the IPAC Montage package is installed, you can install the Python wrapper with:: tar xvzf montage-wrapper-x.x.x.tar.gz cd montage-wrapper-x.x.x python setup.py install (replacing ``x.x.x`` with the actual version number). The only dependencies are numpy_ and astropy_. Using `montage_wrapper` ======================= Montage commands ---------------- The Montage wrapper is imported using:: >>> import montage_wrapper or, for clarity:: >>> import montage_wrapper as montage All Montage commands (except ``mJPEG``, ``mMakeImg``, and ``mTileImage``) are accessible via Python functions. For example, to access ``mProject``, use:: >>> montage.mProject(...) # doctest: +SKIP and see :func:`~montage_wrapper.commands.mProject` for available options. Each Montage command returns a :class:`~montage_wrapper.status.Struct` object that contains information/diagnostics. The following example shows how to use the Montage command wrappers, and how to access the diagnostics:: >>> montage.mArchiveList('2MASS', 'K', 'm31', 0.5, 0.5, 'm31_list.tbl') # doctest: +SKIP count : 18 stat : OK >>> montage.mMakeHdr('m31_list.tbl', 'header.hdr', north_aligned=True) # doctest: +SKIP count : 18 lat4 : 41.744136 stat : OK lat1 : 40.912238 lat3 : 41.744136 latsize : 0.831951 clon : 10.717965 lonsize : 0.830562 posang : 0.0 lon4 : 11.274528 lat2 : 40.912238 lon1 : 11.267467 clat : 41.32951 lon2 : 10.168464 lon3 : 10.161403 >>> s = montage.mMakeHdr('m31_list.tbl', 'header.hdr', north_aligned=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> s.stat # doctest: +SKIP 'OK' >>> s.lon1 # doctest: +SKIP 11.267467 See `Reference/API`_ for a full list of available commands and documentation. High-level functions -------------------- In addition to wrappers to the individual Montage commands, the following high-level functions are available: * `~montage_wrapper.wrappers.reproject`: reproject a FITS file * `~montage_wrapper.wrappers.reproject_hdu`: reproject an FITS HDU object * `~montage_wrapper.wrappers.mosaic`: mosaic all FITS files in a directory For example, to mosaic all FITS files in a directory called `raw` using background matching, use: >>> montage.mosaic('raw', 'mosaic', background_match=True) # doctest: +SKIP In this specific example, a mosaic header will automatically be constructed from the input files. For more details on how to use these, see the `Reference/API`_ section. MPI --- A few Montage commands can be run using MPI for parallelization (see here). For MPI-enabled commands (such as `~montage_wrapper.commands.mProjExec`), the use of MPI is controlled via the mpi= argument. For example, to call ``mProjExec`` using MPI, call ``montage.mProjExec(..., mpi=True)`` (rather than ``montage.mProjExecMPI``, which does not exist). Note however that this requires the MPI versions of the Montage commands to be installed (which is not the case by default). Different MPI installations require different commands (e.g. ``mpirun`` vs ``mpiexec``) as well as different options, so it is possible to customize the MPI command:: >>> import montage_wrapper as montage >>> montage.set_mpi_command('mpiexec -n {n_proc} {executable}') The command string should include ``{n_proc}``, which will be replaced by the number of proceses, and ``{executable}``, which will be replaced by the appropriate Montage executable. The current MPI command can be accessed with:: >>> from montage_wrapper.mpi import MPI_COMMAND >>> MPI_COMMAND 'mpiexec -n {n_proc} {executable}' Reference/API ============= .. automodapi:: montage_wrapper.wrappers .. automodapi:: montage_wrapper.commands .. automodapi:: montage_wrapper.status